Yesterday the young people did exercises and training around the fitness test that they will need to complete as entry into the Armed Forces. Tom explained they will need to do a 1 1/2 mile run in 11 minutes, 30 seconds! The students did a ten minute run to see how far they ran in that time, testing for stamina. As well as this, the Army require applicants to do 50 press ups in 2 minutes and 160 sit ups in 2 minutes! The pupils did circuit training and resistance training to practice this.
To find out more about getting a career in the army, visit:

Don't forget - there are only 2 weeks left of this extra activity after school. If you are a pupil at Primet High School in Colne and would like to join in, get in touch with either myself or Gemma Beveridge (Primet Learning Mentor).
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