Want to get involved in extra activity after school?
Air Cadets run every Tuesday and Thursday Night, Boys and Girls Welcome.
13-21 years of age. £1 a night.
From 7:30-9:30pm @ Carr Road in Nelson
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
Air Cadets
Armed Forces Fitness Training

Yesterday the young people did exercises and training around the fitness test that they will need to complete as entry into the Armed Forces. Tom explained they will need to do a 1 1/2 mile run in 11 minutes, 30 seconds! The students did a ten minute run to see how far they ran in that time, testing for stamina. As well as this, the Army require applicants to do 50 press ups in 2 minutes and 160 sit ups in 2 minutes! The pupils did circuit training and resistance training to practice this.
To find out more about getting a career in the army, visit:

Don't forget - there are only 2 weeks left of this extra activity after school. If you are a pupil at Primet High School in Colne and would like to join in, get in touch with either myself or Gemma Beveridge (Primet Learning Mentor).
30.06.2010 Quote Of The Day
"The best way to predict your future is to create it" Peter Drucker
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
29.06.2010 - Quote Of The Day
"He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life" Groucho Marx
Monday, 28 June 2010
Streetdance Celebration Event - THIS SATURDAY!

Hello everyone,
For those of you who don't already know ... 10 girls who are involved with the Inspiring Communities project have been taking part in the 10 week Streetdance programme provided by the Sports Development Team at Pendle Leisure Trust. This weekend, the girls, who attend Primet High School, will be competing in the Dance Festival at the Municipal Hall in Colne and will dance a routine they have put so much effort in rehearsing.
Please come along and support them!
Good luck girls and well done in all your enthusiasm and creativity!
For those of you who don't already know ... 10 girls who are involved with the Inspiring Communities project have been taking part in the 10 week Streetdance programme provided by the Sports Development Team at Pendle Leisure Trust. This weekend, the girls, who attend Primet High School, will be competing in the Dance Festival at the Municipal Hall in Colne and will dance a routine they have put so much effort in rehearsing.
Please come along and support them!
Good luck girls and well done in all your enthusiasm and creativity!
28.06.2010 Quote Of The Day
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world" Nelson Mandela
Thursday, 24 June 2010
Armed Forces Fitness Workshop
Hello...again :-)
Young people at Primet High School have been taking part in our Armed Forces Fitness Workshop. Tom from Pendle Leisure is a trained Marine from the Armed Forces and is working with Inspiring Communities and Gemma Beveridge (Primet lead for Inspiring Communities) to provide a 5 week training programme for the pupils.
Have a look at the photos! - If anyone who attends Primet High School is interested in attending let either Gemma or ourselves know. The sessions are running on Tuesday after school and are held either on the playing fields or in the gym at Primet High (depending on the weather!)We are on week 2 so hurry hurry hurry!
Hello Everyone,
Just to let you know Warren is off on annual leave - if you need to contact someone from Inspiring Communities - I will be answering Warren's mobile in his absence. You can still contact us on the usual number: 01282 868743 or inspiringcommunities@pendle.gov.uk
See you soon, Jen
Just to let you know Warren is off on annual leave - if you need to contact someone from Inspiring Communities - I will be answering Warren's mobile in his absence. You can still contact us on the usual number: 01282 868743 or inspiringcommunities@pendle.gov.uk
See you soon, Jen
24.06.2010 Quote Of The Day
"If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced" Vincent Van Gogh
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
23.06.2010 Quote Of The Day
"It ia hard to fail but it is worse to never have tried" Roosevelt.
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
Hey everyone, just checking that I can now blog under my own name... hope you are all enjoying the sunshine! :)
Inspiring Communities Summer Workshop
Hello Everyone!
Just to let you know ... Inspiring Communities are holding a workshop in the Summer Hols! This will take place at North Valley Commmunity Centre (Colne), every Wednesday 9:30 - 2:30pm. There is no cost, it is free to all! There will be 2 workshops running on each day - one for parents, one for young people. If you want to know more or would like to put your name down, contact us :-)
Ta very muchly, Jen
Just to let you know ... Inspiring Communities are holding a workshop in the Summer Hols! This will take place at North Valley Commmunity Centre (Colne), every Wednesday 9:30 - 2:30pm. There is no cost, it is free to all! There will be 2 workshops running on each day - one for parents, one for young people. If you want to know more or would like to put your name down, contact us :-)
Ta very muchly, Jen
22.06.2010 Quote Of The Day
"If you don't know where your going you'll end up somewhere else" Yogi Berra
Monday, 21 June 2010
21.06.2010 - Quote Of The Day
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do as the ones you did" Mark Twain
Our Univeristy to Blackpool & Flyde FE & HE Campus 19.06.2010
Thank you to everyone who attended our first University visit to Blackpool & Fylde FE/HE College.
For those of you who could not make it, we looked at courses in Catering, Motor Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Early Years and paths to Teaching, Health Care, Drama, Travel and Tourism, Biology, and Hair and Beauty.
Not only that... we got to observe a top chef cook pancakes (and eat them!)
Catering students have gone onto employment in top London restaurants (including Gordon Ramsays!), and one has even served the Queen, an inspiration to us all!
"Blackpool college was just an exciting place. At first I thought a tour would be boring but it was fantastic! I loved everything especially the cookery and bakery areas. I would love to come to this fantastic college!!! :-)" Girl, 12.
"The tour of the college was very interesting. My children enjoyed themselves. The college staff who led the tour were very friendly." Mother of Girl (13) and Boy (10).
Please take a look at our photos from the day.
Our next University visits are on 21st August at Myerscough FE/HE College and UCLAN on 25th August (and again on 28th October), where we will be taking part in a Law & Criminology workshop in their courtroom.
Let us know if you want to come along. Places are filling up fast!
Jen & Warren :-)
Thursday, 17 June 2010
Inspiring Communities Drop In
We are having another drop in session today. We are based in the ACE Centre Bistro if you would like to pop down and see us :-)
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
Hair & Beauty Workshop at Primet High - VERY SUCCESSFUL!
Colne Primet High School hosted a very successful Inspiring Communities Hair & Beauty Workshop today which was attended by over 50 young people and their parents.
The workshop had demonstrations from The Bodyshop, Christian Smith Hairdressers, Craven College Hair & Beauty, Robert Brannon Hairdressers and Nelson & Colne College Hair & Beauty. Young People's Service were on hand to give out Hair & Beauty career information and advice to all the young people.
Potential young hairdressers and beauty therapists enjoyed many activities including having their nails done, hair styled, hand massage, Bodyshop demonstrations and talks about the business/career with freebie gift bags.
A big thank you to Gemma Beveridge (Colne Primet) and Jen Gore (Inspiring Communities) for all your hard work, enthusiasm and encouragement on this!
Army style event was huge success!
Unfortunately we don't have any pictures of the very successful Army style event that took place last night in conjunction with Pendle Leisure Trust, Primet High School and the Inspiring Communities team.
The event was well attended and over 20 young people were encouraged to do Army style exercises, climb cargo nets and take part in the activities. The event was aimed at encouraging young people to take part in more extra-curricular activities and sign up to join the Inspiring Communities programme.
The event is taking place on Tuesdays between 3.30pm - 4.30pm at Primet High School for the next 4 weeks until 13th July. For more information contact Warren Schofield on 01282 868743 or Gemma Beveridge c/o Primet High School on 01282 871276.
The event was well attended and over 20 young people were encouraged to do Army style exercises, climb cargo nets and take part in the activities. The event was aimed at encouraging young people to take part in more extra-curricular activities and sign up to join the Inspiring Communities programme.
The event is taking place on Tuesdays between 3.30pm - 4.30pm at Primet High School for the next 4 weeks until 13th July. For more information contact Warren Schofield on 01282 868743 or Gemma Beveridge c/o Primet High School on 01282 871276.
Thursday, 10 June 2010
Follow us on TWITTER!
You can now follow us on Twitter ... search for idared pendle :-)
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
Community Panel Meeting 8th June
Tuesday 8th June was our latest Community Panel Meeting, held at the ACE centre in Nelson.
It was attended by 20 parents and young people.
There were presentations from two of our role models, and also a local businessman talked about setting your own company.
Everybody had a great day time.
There was also an opportunity to sign up for our upcoming activities
If you would like to take part in more fun activities like this please get in touch.
T: 01282 868743/866769
E: inspiringcommunities@pendle.gov.uk
More to follow Warren
Monday, 7 June 2010
Inspiring Communities was officially launched at North Valley Community Centre last Thursday evening. A successful launch was attended by around 50 local residents including young people and parents who signed up for the Inspiring Communities programme of activities. There was a range of activities available on the night including mask making with Lancashire Adult Learning, DJ decks, Wii games and tabel football. Check out our photos!
North Valley,
young people
Thursday, 3 June 2010
UCLAN preview
Just to follow up from William's film, which shows him in action as a tutor, below are the details of the students exhibition which will be open to the public:
In case anyone is interested, the FINE ART degree show at Uclan, which is part of a campus wide creative festival, is open to the public and will be having a preview evening on FRIDAY 11 JUNE FROM 5.30, HANOVER BUILDING. You can download a map here: http://www.uclan.ac.uk/information/uclan/how_to_find_us/preston_campus_map.php
Hanover building is shown as HR on the map
In case anyone is interested, the FINE ART degree show at Uclan, which is part of a campus wide creative festival, is open to the public and will be having a preview evening on FRIDAY 11 JUNE FROM 5.30, HANOVER BUILDING. You can download a map here: http://www.uclan.ac.uk/information/uclan/how_to_find_us/preston_campus_map.php
Hanover building is shown as HR on the map
Filming Role Models
I've been having a very enjoyable time this week filming interviews with I Dared role models. So far three people have faced the camera: William Titley (above), Rachel Birkett and Carly Jeffrey. Overcoming their initial nerves, all three did a wonderful job of talking about themselves - not always the easiest thing to do, and I'm often grateful that I get to hide behind the camera. Rachel bravely ignored wolf-whistles as we filmed outside her office!
One thing each of these inspiring stories has in common is demonstrating how a difficult (or even disastrous!) experience at school and in early life doesn't have to be the end of the story and you can still go on to be successful, happy and fulfilled. These aren't experiences that I have had to deal with in my own life, so these people's stories are all the more impressive to me.
Carly and Rachel's videos should be online here very soon. This afternoon I'll be out and about in Nelson to film more interviews - cracking weather for it!
Nelson and Colne College Launch event
Hello Everyone :-)
We had our first launch at Nelson and Colne College last week. It was great fun! We listened to two of our role models, had a tour of the college facilities and took part in photography as a job role. Parents and young people all had their own jobs to do - some did the lights, others did the camera and everyone got a turn at being the model. Everyone got their own photo to take home and each person recieved goody bags and a college prospectus.
If you would like to take part in more fun activities like this please get in touch.
T: 01282 868743/866769
E: inspiringcommunities@pendle.gov.uk
Speak soon, Jen
Have a look at our photos!
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